Buildings and Grounds
The Buildings and Grounds Department is responsible for maintaining the buildings and grounds of Guardino Elementary, Cape Vincent Elementary, Middle/High School, all of the playgrounds and athletic fields.
District Mechanics
Mr. Shannon Fox
Mr. Tom Docteur
Mr. Tom Thayer
Senior Custodian
Middle/High School
Mr. Allen Clark
315.686.5578 x5009
Senior Custodian
Guardino Elementary
Mr. Rick Bourcy
315.686.5578 x3009
Senior Custodian
Bashaw Elementary
Mr. Alger Knight
315.654.2142 x2009
Custodial / Cleaners
Mrs. Cindy Youngs
Mr. Patrick Tarver
Mr. Timothy Reff
Mr. Robert Rivers
Mrs. Barb Schafer
Mrs. Stacy Natali
Mr. Curtis Harvey
Mr. Thomas Mynch
Custodial / Cleaner
Mr. Kyle Bond